ICURY: the Icecat token for decentralized product content syndication

Listed ICECAT Introduces the ICURY Coin

ICECAT N.V. ( is a Dutch-based global publisher and syndicator of product content for the e-commerce market, listed at the Dutch SME stock exchange NPEX since February 2017 and with a market cap of around 125 million euro. Icecat, headquartered in Amsterdam and founded in 2009, works with some tens of thousands webshops and for hundreds of global brand clients such as Philips, Sony, Samsung, HP, P&G, L’Oréal, Akzo and LEGO. Icecat supported around 14 billion product data-sheet (PDS) downloads per year during 2017. It’s Estonian daughter company Icecat Content Sourcing O.Ü. is the Issuer of theICURY.

The Challenge

Although the open product content of Icecat is already highly successful, and Icecat has described millions of products, there are still hundreds of millions of products that are not yet fully described for e-tailers.

The Solution

Tokenizing and decentralizing Icecat’s global product content syndication network, and incentifying creation of great content by ICURY.

Road Map

Icecat has an existing product information management ecosystem in which hundreds of leading manufacturers and tens of thousands of their e-channel partners collaborate. The most important next steps are to accept the ICURY as pre-payment option in addition to accepting fiat currencies, and to finalize the develop Proof Of Quality open source software to enable third party content providers to publish high-quality product content to the Icecat content syndication network that meets all market requirements.
Q2 – 2018 Pilot integration of ICURY ERC-20 token in the Icecat user backoffice.
Q3 -2018 Introduction of ICURY as a loyalty token, providing POQ and other incentives.
Q4-2018 Developing a third party, decentralized version of POQ publishing software.
Q1-2019 Publishing POQ as open source for 3rd parties
Q2-2019 and on Other blockchain projects to decentralize core-functions of Icecat such as
updating the taxonomy and Quality Assurance.

Key Advantages

Icecat is publicly listed in The Netherlands. It has a transparent structure, a track record as a fast-growth and profitable company since 2009, and a market capitalization of 125 million Euro. Further, Icecat is already uniquely positioned as global open content provider for the e-commerce market, facilitating tens of billions of product downloads annually. Its open content syndication processes are highly decentralized, and it understand and invests in open source since its inception. Adding the ICURY coin and blockchain has the potential to rally its already thriving e-commerce ecosystem. If Icecat’s e-commerce ecosystem adopts the ICURY, there’s a multiplier effect. The ICURY is backed, in the sense that Icecat will accept it as pre-pay for certain services, and that a significant part of the proceeds of the ICO are reserved for buy-back of tokens if this benefits the eco-system.

Key Risks

Despite the advantages, there are still risks related to buying ICURY tokens. The value of a token might fluctuate, and there’s the risk that a token loses its value completely, or that there is no trade in tokens possible. In case that Icecat wouldn’t be able to mitigate critical legal, PR, business, economic or other risks that are typical for its business or for crypto-tokens, it might not be able to back its token and/or the token might lose its value.


Olena Velychko


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